๐ŸŽŸ๏ธ Claim ETH or DRC

ATTENTION: This document is a rough draft and hasn't been fully developed yet.

The contents here-in may be incomplete, out-of-date, and modified radically in future revisions.

Rewards are claimable in DRC or ETH:

Although all yields earned from victim pools are held as ETH tokens while collecting interest in our compounding strategy, users have the option to receive rewards in ETH or DRC.

The choice between ETH or DRC allows users to receive stable yields in ETH or receive DRC to stake on Dracula Protocol to earn additional 3.75% of each Drain as ETH rewards.

When a Drain is executed, if a user has chosen to receive rewards in DRC rather than ETH, the user's portion of the ETH rewards are used to market buy the equivalent value in DRC tokens which are then distributed to the user.

Last updated